quinta-feira, 30 de julho de 2009

Surfistas de Cristo Venezuela

Expoministerios 2009

Los Surfistas Cristianos de Venezuela , han hecho , una exposicíon , sobre el ministerio cristiano de surf , donde usted podra ver las siguientes fotos.

Nosotros somos llamados a la comunidad mundial de surfing y vamos a facilitar llegar con el surfing a toda nación de surfers. También somos una familia internacional de misiones comprometidas al bien común.

Tenemos un ministerio basado en relaciones de confianza ganadas por el servicio como llave principal a todo ministeriado y liderazgo. Nosotros creemos que servir es la llave al liderazgo.

Todas nuestras misiones locales son asociaciones con iglesias locales y buscamos tratar de ser multi-iglesias en liderazgo y responsabilidad. También formamos asociaciones con otros grupos ministeriales.

Nuestros Objetivos
  1. Evangelización de las comunidades de surf del mundo.
  2. Servir a la iglesia local mundialmente al proporcionar un puente entre la iglesia y la playa.
  3. Conectar misiones de Surfistas Cristianos mundialmente y asi, proporcionar un nicho de misión para los surfistas.

Nosotros evangélicos en el intento y evangélicos en el sabor, para lo cual hemos estado apuntando en la centralidad de Cristo, la prioridad del evangelio, la autoridad de la Biblia.

"Surfistas alcanzando Surfistas y sus comunidades"

Nuestra Visión:

Manteniendo una presencia Cristiana y siendo testigos a la comunidad venezuelana de surfistas.

Nosotros creemos que el Reino de Dios cambia las vidas de surfers individuales y de ahí la cultura de surfing a la que pertenecen.

Estamos movilizando a surferos para que lleguen a surferos utilizando su surfing.

Nosotros somos un auténtico movimiento de surfing.

Estamos demostrando como nuestro surfing es subordinado a Cristo como un sirviente y no como a un maestro.


Luis Guiterrez
Director Nacional de los Surfistas de Cristo Venezuela
Subida San Julian Residencias Sant her c-9
Caraballeda Estado Vargos, Venezuela
Telefono: 58-414-2561219
Email: surfistasdecristo@hotmail.com


Surfistas de Cristo Venezuela

Limpieza en la Playa

Los Surfistas de Cristo de Venezuela , ha hecho una actividad en la playa , donde usted podra ver las siguientes fotos , el grande trabajo de limpieza en la playa.

Surfistas de Cristo de Venezuela


Luis Guiterrez
Director Nacional de los Surfistas de Cristo Venezuela
Subida San Julian Residencias Sant her c-9
Caraballeda Estado Vargos, Venezuela
Telefono: 58-414-2561219
Email: surfistasdecristo@hotmail.com


quarta-feira, 29 de julho de 2009

Tom Curren & The CS South Africa

By: Don Pearson


> Praise God for a great training day for East Coast CS leaders at Whakatane on Saturday. The local crew hooked up an awesome venue and a good time was had getting to know each other better and diving into the CS foundations training manual. At lunchtime a bunch of skater boys turned up to ride the ramp at the venue so we got to put some of the theory into practice.

> Further to the feedback last week on the J-Bay Billabong Pro, Roy Harley writes: "Thanks so much for the prayers, God answered in a big way. We had 180 people crammed into a venue that normally only seats 120" ... for the Walking On Water movie.

From Snoek Leonard, "... a lot of the J-Bay locals came. Tom Curren played a gig on his guitar and sang. His lyrics were straight up claiming it for Jesus. Roy did a short interview with Tom and then we played the movie".

Roy and Tom at the WOW Premiere


*Praying for the CSI Community*

As we conclude our focus this month on the surf ministries in South Africa, pray for:

the 'fruits' of the recent outreach activities during the time of the Billabong Pro, that souls would be saved as a result of God's word going out.

for the African region as Son Surf expands into Mozambique, Reunion, Mauritius and Madagasgar. That the Lord will lead the Son Surf crew to the right people at the right time.

"All your waves and billows have gone over me, and floods of sorrow pour upon me like a thundering cataract. Yet day by day the Lord also pours out His steadfast love upon me, and through the night I sing His songs and pray to God who gives me life". Psalm 42:7,8


...have fun getting barreled in the prayer room!



Visit :

Tom Curren

Son Surf

Christian Surfers New Zealand


domingo, 19 de julho de 2009

The Surf Report #43: Europe Conference, South Africa, Tahiti WOW Premiere, CS Argentina

The Surf Report Volume #43
Chaplaincy - Highlights from Bells to the Maldives

Abe Andrews reports slow but steady acceptance from the guys and Billabong included him as part of their staff team in Tahiti.

Liselle reports that the women's tour is so much more closed and harder to crack. She persevered in the Australian events and now has a massive 5-month break.

Brad Whittaker opted for shared accommodation in the Maldives event and was randomly picked to stay with eventual winner Owen Wright and his father, amazing Godincidence! Andy Pitt, Africa Chaplain, attended an O'Neill event before making it to the Mr Price Pro then J-Bay. An application for a Japanese regional chaplain has been received, which could be the first sports chaplain in their nation.

CS Australia sent six leaders to a chaplaincy training course readying themselves for future chaplaincy in the amateur ranks.

Regional chaplains are still being sought for Australasia,
South America and Europe.

Contact your CSI Regional Coordinator for more information. Contact us if you wish to join a chaplain's support team. Click here and note 'Chapliancy' in the comments to donate to chaplaincy to help Liz and Abe pioneer this new work.
Son Surf South Africa

After some decline in national missions in Son Surf South Africa over the last while, new national coordinator Richard 'Snoek' Leaonard is stoked to report they have doubled their missions to 18 this year and last month's conference went off! A new surfer friendly gospel presentation on DVD is currently being produced. The J-Bay office has relocated to a better building and two pioneering interns are serving well.

Tahiti WOW Premiere

Kevin Hemingway felt frustration at not being able to premiere the new Walking on Water film during the Billabong main event at Teahupoo. Seemed God had other plans and a last minute programming change enabled him to see the film shown to his entire nation on the week following the event on prime time TV! Pacific Regional Coordinator Alan Vink and Brett Davis had the opportunity to present Kevin with a belated 10-year service award during a visit in May.

CS Argentina

Maddie reports that CS Argentina had their first meeting in April, a surf camp. Two guys were invited by someone they barely knew and they're stoked to report that both became Christians! Maddie says "We were mostly gathered from two different spots in Argentina and the two guys showed up because God had something for them that weekend. We're happy to see how everything moves forward as we let God act in this newly emerging CS affiliate nation."

Surfistas De Cristo - Venezuela

Surfistas de Cristo (CS Venezuela) will be hosting a large outreach in conjunction with two local churches in July. Titled the 'Beach Kids Games' national leader Luis Gutierrz would appreciate prayer for the event to run well and lives to be touched.

Walking on Water

With structural changes, WOW are partnering with CS to roll out a world tour premiering their new film in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America. Very exciting for local CS missions to be able to host their own premieres with WOW support.

Reversal Surf E-Magazine

Bobby Schutz and his partner on Kauai have done an awesome job putting together a brand new e-magazine entitled Reversal Surf, along with this they have also produced a Gospel of John. Check them out and spread them around!

Europe Conference

37 leaders and contacts from 10 nations met in Biarritz in June to discuss the best strategies to reach the booming European surfing community. These included two from Sweden, one from Switzerland and a host of others. Phil Williams is stoked to introduce Shane Sparks as our new European Field Worker, volunteering his time with Pioneers over the next two years.

Spanish Surfers Bible

The Spanish Surfers Bible is in the print line with Bible Society Brazil. A launch is hoped for in El Salvador at our Americas Conference July 24. We have 5000 Bibles and hope to distribute these at the ISA games and others soon. Contact your national leader or email us for details. Big thanks to Aldo and Peru team, United Bible Society and Gymea Baptist Church for funding and Aaron in the CSI office.

To assist in the distribution of these Bibles, consider donating a box to a vital surf event - $200 for box of 40. Click here to donate.

CSI Office Phone

The CS International office no longer has a landline. To get in contact you can either email info@christiansurfers.net or call Operations Manager Aaron Hughes on +61 4 0367 2452.

quinta-feira, 16 de julho de 2009

Christian Surfers Guarujá: SURF TREINO

by: Alessandra Morimoto

Paz meus queridos irmãos e irmãs!!!!

No começo do mês de Junho, fui convidada pela missionária Kelly do Espírito Santo para estar por alguns dias por lá visitando as igrejas e conhecendo mais sobre a Missão Surfistas de Cristo.

Foi um momento de grande alegria poder rever alguns amigos abençoados de lá e claro conhecer pessoas muitos especiais que estão em meu coração.

Posso te dizer que foi uma semana que aprendi muito sobre o sobrenatural de Deus. Acredito que foi muito especial para minha amiga Kelly....Jesus realmente nesta semana que passou transformou nossas vidas, endireitou nossas veredas para o que Ele tem mais do que possamos imaginar mesmo. Nunca fui em tanta igreja na minha vida ,(risos), foi show mesmo!!!

Rolou um campeonato enquanto, estive por lá de Longboard Profissional, fiquei muito feliz de saber que existem atletas neste meio que estão proclamando o evangelho.

Fizemos um som por lá e a oração rolou solta por lá!!! ó Glóriaaaa fogo de Jesus. Somente surfei neste dia porque as ondas depois sumirão só ficou as ondas de Jesusss uhuhuhu.



No Guarujá rolou no último Domingo do mês de Junho, um surf treino na praia do Tombo, e foi show, tinha altas ondas, muito tubo e muita palavra de Deus.
Pude servir ao Senhor na somatória das baterias que momento bom com os irmãos.

Esse surf treino tem sido uma benção, muitos surfistas tem sido alcançados para honra e glória de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo.

As premiações rolam lá na Cristo Salva Guarujá e sempre tem um video do campeonato.

Surf Treino Reviver

Surf Treino

A Galera no Palanque

Os Juízes


The Surfers

Keep Smiling

Los Amigos

Shaka !!!

Brah !!!

Gravando o Evento

Surfista: Alessandra Morimoto , trabalhando no Surf Treino como Juiz.

Surfista Kaipo , (Filho do Jojo de Olivença)

The Crew at the Beach

Julião and Lucas

Meus irmãos e irmãs que a paz de Jesus que excede todo entendimento estejam sempre com vocês.

Mandem notícias sempre. Peço sua oração sempre!!

Com amor de Cristo

Alessandra Morimoto
- a Japa
