segunda-feira, 31 de agosto de 2009

Christian Surfers Australia: JESUS PRO-AM - Coffs Harbour 2009

JESUS PRO-AM: Coffs Harbour 15-16 Aug - 2009 Hi-Lights

Jodene Watling , comments about the surf competition called Jesus Pro-AM.

The Jesus Pro-Am is a surf competition run by Christian Surfers Australia;

presented by the Bible Society NSW and Coastalwatch.

The comp is a 3-part series (Manly, Coffs Harbour & Wollongong) that saw the Coffs Harbour leg run at Diggers Beach in 3-4ft surf.

There was spectacular surfing ahoy, fantastic weather & a grooving community vibe.


Next stop: Wollongong, NSW - 21-22 November 2009


•JESUS PRO-AM in Coffs Harbour 2009 - Hi-Lights

•Christian Surfers Australia

•Bible Society New South Wales

•Coastal Watch


•Jesus All About Life


domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009

Christian Surfers Japan

•Christian Surfers Japan

•Walking on Water

•Christian Surfers Ryukyu

Christian Surfers Japan

Christian Surfers Japan are a group of surfers who have a passion for Jesus and a passion for surfing.

Our aim is to be a Christian presence and witness in the Japanese surfing community.

We attend and organise various events throughout the year including, surf contests, surf camps and an annual surf conference weekend.

Please contact us for more information.

•CS Fukushima - Kunihiro Oka:

•CS Shonan - Shinobu Okumura

•CS Chiba - Morry Wednesday

•CS Kyoto - Kazuaki Oyagi

•CS Okinawa - David Lacar

•CS Kyushu - Daisuke Arahira

•CS Shikoku - Dan Earner

•Christian Surfers Japan

Christian Surfers National Office

2299-9 Iwanuma, Chosei-Mura,
Chosei-Gun, Chiba, Japan 299-4336
Tel/Fax: +81(0)475-32-7040
Post Office Account: 00280-5-32479

•Christian Surfers International


quarta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2009

Surfistas de Cristo Venezuela

Kids Games en la playa de los cocos , con Surfistas de Cristo Venezuela.

Edited by: Rene Garcia

Surfistas de Cristo - Venezuela

Surfistas de Cristo (CS Venezuela) hosted a large outreach in conjunction with two local churches.

Titled the Beach Kids Games national leader Luis Guiterrez appreciated the prayers for the event and lives touched.

Luis Guiterrez
Director Nacional de los Surfistas de Cristo Venezuela
Subida San Julian Residencias Sant her c-9
Caraballeda Estado Vargos, Venezuela
Telefono: 58-414-2561219


Christian Surfers Argentina

Limpieza en la Playa

Los Christian Surfers Argentina , ha hecho una actividad en la playa , donde usted podra ver las siguientes fotos , el grande trabajo de limpieza en la playa.


quarta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2009

Surfistas de Cristo reúnem-se no Recreio (RJ)

A MSC (Missão Surfistas de Cristo) exibiu neste sábado (8/8), no Rio de Janeiro, o filme The Outsiders.

A entrada foi gratuita, e o evento rolou no espaço Tenda da Primeira Igreja Batista do Recreio, logo atrás do restaurante Steak Grill, no Recreio dos Bandeirantes.

O filme, premiado em diversos países, conta com imagens de alguns dos principais surfistas do mundo, como C.J. Hobgood, seu irmão Damien, além de altas imagens de estrelas do esporte como Mick Fanning, Kelly Slater e Joel Parkinson.

No evento ainda rolou uma apresentação da banda Mateus 7, uma das grandes revelações da música gospel.

É difícil encontrar um evento que reúna tanta coisa boa.

Estivemos de braços abertos para quem quiser chegar, sem nenhum tipo de descriminação", afirma Natan Yamada, cooperador do evento.

A Primeira Igreja Batista do Recreio fica localizada à R. Ernesto Pinheiro, lote 20, quadra D, Recreio dos Bandeirantes (RJ).

Ficha Técnica

Título The Outsiders

Diretor Jesse Schluntz
Produção Walking on Water
Diretor de arte Jason de Armond
Imagens Jesse Schluntz, Tim Bonython, Jason Austell, Starbird Productions, Poor Specimen, Shayne Mc Intyre, Nick Damerel, Andrew Kidman, Chad Oakley, Érika Kelley.
Surfistas CJ Hobgood, Damien Hobgood, Joel Fitzgerald, Glyndyn Ringrose, Noah Snyder, Joey Buran, Kelly Slater, Occy, Joel Parkinson e Mick Fanning.
Trilha-Sonora The Huntingtons, The Angels, Andrew Kidman, Corey Edelman, The III Harmonics, Project 86, Worship Circus e Swicthfoot.

Censura Livre

História dos Surfistas de Cristo

A Missão Surfistas de Cristo (MSC) Brasil, teve seu início em 1989, na cidade de Olinda em Pernambuco e através dos anos foi se tornando um movimento nacional. A MSC existe para ser uma presença cristã e testemunhar para toda a comunidade do surfe.

Atualmente sua sede se encontra na cidade do Guarujá, litoral Sul de São Paulo e seu trabalho se estende a vários estados da costa brasileira. A MSC Brasil é filiada ao Christian Surfers International, rede mundial de ministérios ligados ao surfe, cujas atividades começaram na Austrália em 1976.

O movimento está presente em vários países ao redor do mundo, incluindo Austrália, Nova Zelândia, Indonésia, Japão, Tahiti, Africa do Sul, Reino Unido, França, Espanha, Portugal, Alemanha, Irlanda, Estados Unidos, Havaí, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Peru e Chile.

REUNIÕES TODOS OS SÁBADOS no CANTO DO RECREIO, na praça Tim Maia (embaixo da amendoeira) as 10:00h


Christian Surfers Mexico - NewsLetter

By: Mike Allbutt

National Surfing Contest

Trash bins

The surfing champions of every state came to compete in the National Selection Contest in July. We were given the responsibility of keeping the beaches clean by placing trash bins on the beach and ensuring they were emptied. We were encouraged to see how positively we were received by contest organisers and attenders. Thank-you to everyone who donated so we could purchase these bins!

We were also given the opportunity to show the Walking On Water movie (a Christian surfing outreach movie) on the Friday night, which was attended by about 300 people.

CS table in last dayThroughout the weekend, we had the tiny Surfer's Bibles, which we were able to hand out freely. On the final day of the contest we were encouraged to set up a free water stand and sell Christian Surfers merchandise and Bibles.

We feel that our involvement in the contest was well received and of blessing to many. As a team, we were able to work together in an amazing way to accomplish the tasks required, but also to be available to have meaningful conversations and encourage the people we encountered.


Trip to El Salvador

Two weeks after the contest, Mike and Andy (who was living here for 6 months to help with Christian Surfers) did a 24 hour bus trip down to La Libertad in El Salvador. There they attended the Americas Christian Surfers Conference, a three day conference for leaders of CS in every country of North and South America.

After a fun beach game

Not only was it an excellent time of encouragement for them personally, it was also an amazing opportunity to connect and partner with all the other Christian Surfers ministries in countries nearby. Many ideas have been born from these 8 days away.

Spanish Surfers Bibles

Surfers BibleNext week we should have access to Surfers Bibles in the Spanish language. Some other Spanish speaking CS nations have been working on these for the past few years so it is a great accomplishment and much need resource that will aide out ministry greatly.

Our desire is to be able to give the word of God away through these new testaments but they cost money. Each bible will cost us about $2.50USD to give-away so we are raising funds to help us get these bibles out to surfers here in Mexico. Donations can be made via the Christian Surfers website.
