New CSI Website
Last month CSI launched a brand new website with more functionality and a beautiful layout thanks to Tim Faase at Digerati Solutions and Chris Naylor at Naylor Design. Check it out now and look through the latest info, BD's blog, an improved payment system and more. www.christiansurfers.net
On the Rocks
'On the Rocks' is a surf evangelism video resource currently being produced by Son Surf South Africa. Imagine a surfer friendly Alpha course style DVD with solid gospel content delivered by surfers for surfers. Last month in Capetown the first of 7 videos had a trial run at a youth outreach concert. Of the 250 largely unsaved guys, some 120 came forward at the end of the appeal given by the DVD. Gifted evangelist and surfer Terryn Williams delivers the material. Go to www.ontherocksdvd.info to learn more. Our South African brothers need some $USD12,000 to finalise this and have it ready for world distribution. Would you consider being one of the 12 giving $1000 or 24 giving $500 each? We want to see this completed by June 2010! Click here to donate. |
New Resources
CSI has just released its annual Prayer Calendar and Groundswell Magazine for 2010. These great looking publications profile the CS nations around the world. The calendar features amazing line up shots from each nation and highlights key CS prayer requests and activities for 2010. Groundswell Magazine holds stories and reports of Christian Surfers groups around the world from 2009. Get yours from your national leader or email info@christiansurfers.net (our online store will relaunch soon).
Portuguese Surfers Bible
Christian Surfers Portugal are over the moon to announce the release of the Portuguese Surfers Bible. Completely different to the Brazillian Portuguese Surfers Bible, the Portuguese Surfers Bible features local Portuguese surfers as well as internationals and is translated in European Portuguese. Available now from CS Portugal, contact Zaca Soveral or Buck Waters to order.
World Tour Chaplaincy
With the Hawaii season now completed, both Abe Andrews and Liselle Wilsnaugh have completed their first full year of chaplaincy on the WCT Pro Tour. Abe has made all of the men's events and Liselle most of the fragmented women's tour. Abe reports that there has been great open doors and a very favourable reception, while Liselle is finding the women's tour much tougher. Please pray for them both and send a note of encouragement.
Pastor Mike Stangel, the Triple Crown Chaplain, reports a great open door by director Randy Rarick, "Randy has requested that I take initiative to pray for the surfers and in this way bring God into the Triple Crown. With the heavy waves this year, there were many takers!"
Christian Surfers International
PO Box 192, Thirroul, NSW 2515 - Australia