sábado, 29 de maio de 2010

Lançamento do Projeto Cine House para toda a Comunidade do Surf do Guarujá

O Projeto Cine House exibiu neste último sábado (22/05), às 20h, na Surf House, Rua Antonio Marques,195 - Praia do Tombo, Guarujá (SP), o filme “Walking on Water”, dirigido e produzido pelo californiano surfista profissional Bryan Jennings. Com a Surf House lotada, surfistas da região do Guarujá, como Danilo Costa, prestigiaram o lançamento do filme.

O Projeto Cine House, tem a idealização e organização, feitas por Ademir Silva, Luis Carioca, Geraldo Bella e Alexandre Neh. O Projeto Cine House visa levar entretenimento, lazer, cultura e evangelismo para os Jovens do Guarujá e toda galera ligada ao Surf.

O Filme “Walking on Water” conta a história quando Bryan Jennings (Fundador e Diretor do www.walkingonwater.com) com 14 anos de idade, foi levado em sua primeira surf trip por um surfista profissional local. Esta viagem teve um efeito duradouro sobre a sua vida.

Neste filme "Walking On Water", o surfista Bryan devolve o favor que ele recebeu para os jovens chamados (Tyler e Lucas) literalmente ao redor do mundo, na esperança de que também será mudado para sempre. Ao longo do caminho eles encontram-se com o surfista 3X Campeão do Mundo chamado Tom Curren, e a adolescente sobrevivente de ataque de tubarão chamada Bethany Hamilton, e mais os tops, surfistas profissionais CJ e Damien Hobgood, e muitos outros. Dos criadores de The Outsiders e Arc Noahs vem uma história sobre encontrar a fé sobre a jornada de uma vida. O filme apresenta cenas gravadas no Hawaii, Peru, África do Sul, França, Austrália, Indonésia.

A estréia atraiu grande público, que lotou a Surf House e deu perspectiva para os criadores do Projeto Cine House expandir a cultura surf.

"Essa é a primeira vez que apresentamos um filme no Telão na Surf House, com pipoca, descontração, música ao vivo e tudo gratuitamente. Teremos mais filmes de surf ao longo do ano e estamos felizes em abrir o Projeto Cine House, disseram Ademir Silva, Luis Carioca, Alexandre Neh e Geraldo Bella.”

Uma vez por mês, será exibido um Filme de Surf, com o objetivo de entretenimento, lazer, cultura e evangelismo e também serão sorteados brindes entre os presentes no evento.

O Projeto Cine House tem como proposta, a cada 4 meses fazer uma parceria com a Prefeitura do Guarujá para levar o Projeto Cine House para todos os bairros do Guarujá (Santa Rosa, Santo Antonio, Morrinhos, 14Bis, etc.), afim de que todos possam ter acesso á exibição de filmes de Surf.

Dentre os presentes na platéia estava o surfista Danilo Costa, Gustavo Sanches, Edgar Groggia, Wesley Morais e Gabriel André.

Houve sorteios para quem foi assistir a estréia do filme e pode sair de lá com um quadro de surf do artista Maikeira e também equipamentos de surf dos apoiadores.

O Projeto Cine House conta com Apoio: Secretaria de Cultura do Guarujá, Cristo Salva Guarujá, (CTSG) Centro de Treinamento de Surf do Guarujá, Christian Surfers Guarujá, (JOC) Jovens na Onda com Cristo. Divulgação: House FM, a sua casa o seu lugar.


sexta-feira, 21 de maio de 2010

Surfer going back to Nigeria

The Brazilian Christian Surfer called, Jojo de Olivença would like to share an experience and if possible ask for your help.

From 2007 untill now, over 5000 victims! (children)

Since January 2010, Jojo de Olivença has been developing a work with an international organization called

"Way to the Nations".http://www.waytothenations.com

Jojo de Olivença started this work of evangelism, discipleship and initiation in the surf with 216 children in an orphanage in EKET TOWN - AKWA IBON STATE - NIGERIA .

Jojo de Olivença, he is coming to Nigeria , day 03 of June to second stage of this work.( have a Home for Children
, with a structure of education and sports).

What does he need ?
He needs help with some surfboard used like ( FunBoard and LongBoard ) and Jojo de Olivença will take clothes for donation too.

If someone wish to be a volunteer to help him with surf lessons and other skills, will be excellent.

More Info: nacoes@caiofabio.net

Jojo de Olivença wants to return to Nigeria and continue, this mission with 216 children in an orphanage, but he needs help to accomplish this important mission. Jojo needs around U.S $ 2000 to cover his needs and keep this hard work in Africa.

Support him Through:

Jocelio de Jesus
Skype: jojodeolivenca
Home Phone: 55+13+3017.2424
Mobile Phone: 55+13+8115.7902

•Projeto Ondas
Website: http://www.projetoondas.org


sábado, 8 de maio de 2010

ASP chaplaincy project

The ASP (Association of Surfing Professionals) chaplaincy project has been progressing very well and a number of key initiatives have been realised.

Abe Andrews (Men's Tour Chaplain) had a big year setting into his role and wrote from South Africa, "I have spent the past two days at the contest in freezing conditions supporting the surfers in whatever capacity I can. I guess sometimes the World Tour family feels like a tribe and I am the explorer, or outsider hoping to be accepted into the tribe. I just hope my fate is not like some early explorers who got eaten by the tribe."

Liselle Wilsnaugh has also made steady progress in her role as (Women's Tour Chaplain) and writes from Portugal, "It's been a pretty amazing few days as far as the chaplaincy is concerned... I got loads of time to chat to some of the surfers and their families. After my experiences at the previous two contests, God blessed me by giving me loads of favour with everyone. They all greeted me and actually seemed to be okay with me being there. I was able to have really good conversations with a bunch of the girls and their families and friends. It definitely felt like the prayes had kicked in."

Establishing a key chaplain for each ASP region was also a high priority in 2009. Currently Mike Stangel is looking after Hawaii, Lyle Castellaw, North America and Andy Pitt, South Africa. They have been developing event chaplains, building relationships with ASP Staff and providing essential support for Abe and Liselle when travelling in their region.

Mike Stangel comments on the upcoming Hawaiian Triple Crown "I was blown away by the open doors I received as chaplain last year. Randy Rarick has appointed a guy from our church as his successor to develop the pro events so we anticipate even better reception this year."

The Randy Rarick Story

CSI is seeking chaplaincy coordinators for the remaining ASP regions of Australasia , Europe, Japan and South America. Christian Surfers International is continuing to progress chaplaincy as a key initiative globally and along with the service for ASP are also looking into how we can support the ISA in a similar capacity.

Brad Whittaker who pioneered the project in 2008 has continued in a coordination role for the team this year. In addition he has also covered key events in Australasia pending the appointment of a suitable regional chaplains.

If you are interested in supporting our current chaplains or even being a chaplain, Brad will be happy to field your questions and interest.

Contact Brad Whittaker

Email: bradwhittaker@optusnet.com.au
