'Surfing For Jesus is Pura Vida' - 'Pure Life' is the translation from this classic Costa Rican saying and the conference was a taste of that! Clearly focused on Jesus with beautiful unity amongst the 220 people from 26 nations of all cultural, socio-economic and Christian backgrounds - a taste of heaven. There was awesome teaching from Britt Merrick, warm waves out front, hilarious cultural presentations, inspiring stories from the field and more. Large crosses with CS-badged logo on garbage bins were erected as a gift to multiple beaches in the area. Special thanks to Dustin Miller and Damian Boza with the amazing Costa Rican team who headed up the whole conference. Stay tuned for the next conference to be held in Australia 2016! Check out photos, reports and audio from the main sessions on our website.
terça-feira, 30 de setembro de 2014
'Surfing For Jesus is Pura Vida' - 'Pure Life' is the translation from this classic Costa Rican saying and the conference was a taste of that! Clearly focused on Jesus with beautiful unity amongst the 220 people from 26 nations of all cultural, socio-economic and Christian backgrounds - a taste of heaven. There was awesome teaching from Britt Merrick, warm waves out front, hilarious cultural presentations, inspiring stories from the field and more. Large crosses with CS-badged logo on garbage bins were erected as a gift to multiple beaches in the area. Special thanks to Dustin Miller and Damian Boza with the amazing Costa Rican team who headed up the whole conference. Stay tuned for the next conference to be held in Australia 2016! Check out photos, reports and audio from the main sessions on our website.
É mais uma película dedicada a uma viagem e, curiosamente, com protagonistas semelhantes ao Passing Through.
Jared Houston e Pierre-Louis Costes, a par de Lewy Finnegan, voltam a
estar sob os holofotes com uma visita à região rural de Pascuales, quase
mil quilómetros a norte de Puerto Escondido, no México. Produzido por
Miller Best para a Pride Bodyboards, The Mexican Mirage é uma curta-metragem focada na ação e na lentidão dos dias sob o abrasador Sol mariachi. Também reparámos na atenção dispensada aos espasmos de party boy do Lewy Finnegan.
PRIDE BODYBOARDS presents the latest film by MILLER BEST, exposing the latest endeavours of the PRIDE international team, following them into the heart of rural Mexico in an attempt to find paradise.
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PRIDE BODYBOARDS presents the latest film by MILLER BEST, exposing the latest endeavours of the PRIDE international team, following them into the heart of rural Mexico in an attempt to find paradise.
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bodyboard Movie,
SURF movie,
the Mexican Mirage
Há películas que perdoamos por não oferecerem mais do que ondas, ondas, ondas. É o caso de Hubboards – The Film. Os
irmãos Hubbard são uma inspiração para o universo bodyboarder, goste-se
ou não do estilo que os carateriza, pois trata-se duma dupla que puxa
pelos limites do desporto e que tem uma amistosa e exemplar forma de
estar no bodyboard. O filme profile destes dois
manos-de-sangue, produzido por Matthew Tanaka, é apresentado em ritmo
galopante, com vôos estratosféricos, ondas em diversos pontos
geográficos e uma playlist eclética.
A short film about the creation of two high performance bodyboards and their journey and adventures around the globe.
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A short film about the creation of two high performance bodyboards and their journey and adventures around the globe.
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