The older surfers get, the more stories they seem to have - stories about epic Indonesia, how good your local break was twenty years ago, month-long surf trips, near-death experiences, and sharks bigger than boats. Nahoon Reef in South Africa is renowned for its fatal shark attacks over they years.
Shannon Ainslie’s got a story that’s a little different to the rest - it might keep you out of the surf for a few days ... and he’s only 17! Here’show Shannon tells it...
‘It was really hot and we’d all been cooped up in school and were aching for a surf. I rushed down to the Reef. It was super clean, 3’-5’ and the water was clear. I was thanking God for his creation and prayed for safety. I suddenly felt my board lifting up out of the water. It happened really slowly; it wasn’t a very hard hit or anything. I was just lifted up about a metre into the air and wasn’t too sure what was going on.
‘I slipped off my board and fell quite deep in water. I realised that it must have been a shark. When I surfaced I sat on my board and shouted to my buddies around me that they should go in because there was a shark in the water. They were all just staring at me like they couldn’t believe I was still alive ... a lot of them were screaming and scratching for shore.
‘I was then I noticed the deep cuts on my hand and started to worry a bit. I still remember the exact prayer I prayed then because I repeated it about three times. I asked God to please not let he shark come back and hit me a second time, and I asked him to protect my friends.’
While all this was happening someone was filming from the beach. Analysts saw something incredible; it wasn’t one shark that took Shannon, but two! In the footage you can clearly see two four-metre Great Whites converge on Shannon. One of them is about to close its jaws over Shannon’s head and shoulders; the other lifts Shannon slowly out of the water. While he was under water he unwittingly pushed the board towards the shark, which ended up getting a mouth full of fibre glass.
‘I know that God has a big plan for my life,’ says Shannon. ‘That’s why he allowed everything to happen. Since the attack I’ve grown so much closer to Jesus. I has a wonderful testimony to tell people who doubt his protection. However, at the same I know that even if I had gotten hurt really bad, I would still be worshipping God because I have put my life in his hands and I will trust him.’
‘This verse from Romans 8:28 means heaps to me’
‘We know that God is always at work for the good of everyone who loves Him. They are the ones God has chosen for His purpose’.
source : http://www.godspeak.org.au
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