quarta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2009

SurfFest'09 Film Festival

Amateur Surf Film Festival 2009

Hosted by Christian Surfers New Zealand In Support of SurfAid

Welcome back! after a very successful film festival in 2008 now is your chance to enter in the Amateur Surf Film Festival 2009.

An opportunity for amateur film makers and surfers alike to have a go at hitting the big screen. Submit a 3 minute home video of you and your mates…… and WIN!!!

The winter swells are coming for fresh action and you have heaps of footage from those summer sessions, you've got no excuse: grab your mates and start creating your own surf film - be it your mates sickest air (he thinks so any way), your favourite wipe outs, that kook who always drops in on you, the learners.. what ever it is... we wanna see it!!

This festival is not about capturing the best surfers on film, but rather an opportunity to show local surf culture as we know it!


$10 submission fee

Its that time of year! Drag your friends and family along to see this years fantastic entry's into the NZ Amateur Surf Film Festival.
Check out the website for where and when the nearest screening will be for your region. http://www.surffest.co.nz/
All proceeds from this event are going to Surf Aid international.
AUCKLAND: Thursday 24th September, 7.30pm Windsor Cafe, 550 East Coast Road, Mairangi Bay. $5
NEW PLYMOUTH: Monday 28th September, 5.30pm at Breakers Cafe & Bar. $5
WHAKATANE: Friday 25th September, 7 .00pm at 33 Melville Drive. $5
GISBORNE: Sat 3 October, 7.30pm at The Dome Theatre, Poverty Bay Club, Childers Road. $10 adults $5 grommets
WELLINGTON - NATIONAL FINAL! The top two films from each region will be entered into the National Finals to be in for a chance of the grandprize!
The national Prize giving will be held in Wellington on Friday 25th September at 7.30pm, venue: The Pines at Houghton Bay. Entry fee: $10 Adults, $5 Grommets. $30 Families
Winners will be notified.
Thank you on behalf of Wellington CS.

More Info: http://www.surffest.co.nz

Contact for any enquiries

please email: surffest@gmail.com


Quiksilver Pro France 2009

Abe Andrews, chaplain to the ASP pro surfers, reports, "This was a really productive event, God provided us with many opportunities to provide a supportive service for the surfers and their families.

A few of the surfers could not take boards on their flight from LA to France because some airlines were refusing to take boards.

So, he got to transport surfboards for surfers from California to France, by train, bus and plane, which opened awesome doors with the surfers over the event.

Additionally he did a bit of filming and caddying for some of the guys which is always a really rewarding service for myself as the chaplain.

Lize connected well with the girls and she has been able to provide support to the families on the tour.

Lize helped look after the surfer’s kids and sat with the nervous wives and girlfriends as their other-halves competed in tricky conditions".

  • Pray for Abe and Lize as they travel on to the next comp at Mundaka, Spain, in coming weeks.


sábado, 26 de setembro de 2009

1º Congresso Missão Surfistas de Cristo Brasil no Espírito Santo - Região Sudeste – Jacaraipe – Serra

Missão Surfistas de Cristo Brasil no Espírito Santo - Região Sudeste – Jacaraipe – Serra.

Convidamos você e sua família para participarem deste congresso que será realizado nos dias 10, 11 e 12 de outubro de 2009!

Vista aérea de Jacaraipe

O Senhor preparou uma linda casa, com templo climatizado, dormitórios climatizados, duchas quentinhas, refeitório e lazer: Jardins, campo de futebol, churrasqueira, piscinas adulto e infantil etc. Tudo isso a menos de 50 metros da praia ao lado do Praia Linda Hotel.

Você não pode ficar de fora desta benção!! Venha orar e adorar o Criador das ondas!! Participe desde Congresso Evangelístico e aprenda como resgatar vidas para Jesus, utilizando o esporte como um instrumento.

Vista lateral da casa

Ligue (27) 9903-5023 e fale com Alex, qualquer horário ou
(27) 3243-4421 das 9:00 as 12:00 e 14:00 as 18:00.

E-mail: dorietsonvieira@yahoo.com.br

· As inscrições estão abertas até o dia 30 de setembro;

· Vagas são limitadas;

· A vista R$190,00 ( por pessoa);

· A prazo R$195,00. Sendo uma entrada de R$65,00 e o restante 30 dias e 60 dias no cheque;

· Crianças abaixo de 05 anos não pagam;

· Crianças de 05 a 10 anos pagam meia (R$95,00).

Templo climatizada com vista parcial da praia

As inscrições são validas para os dias 10, 11 e 12 de outubro e dará direito á:

· Uma camisa MSC CONGRESSO;

· Café da manhã com mesa de frutas;

· Almoço;

· Café da tarde;

· Jantar e ceias após os cultos;

· Sorteio de uma prancha nova no último dia;

· Brindes no decorrer do congresso;

OBS: No dia 09 de outubro a partir das 14:00, a casa estará aberta para receber os congressistas que desejarem fazer um final de tarde abençoado nos picos de Jacaraipe. Lembrando que neste dia não terá lanche incluído.

Praia de Jacaraipe

Quem pode participar deste congresso?

Pessoas que amem a Jesus de todo o seu coração, de toda a sua alma e de todo o seu entendimento; que se sintam chamadas para alcançar jovens surfistas e que estejam em plena comunhão com uma igreja local.

Ruas de Jacaraipe

Qual a visão do ministério?

A MSC visa transformar a vida de surfistas através do poder do Espírito Santo, levando o evangelho para as praias, fazendo com que eles conhecem o criador das ondas, servindo à comunidade do surfe colaborando nos eventos e na promoção do esporte no Espírito Santo.

Varandão para descanso

Qual é a nossa missão?

“Portanto ide, fazei discípulos de todas as nações, batizando-os em nome do Pai, e do Filho, e do Espírito Santo” (Mateus 28:19)

Nossa missão atende ao chamado que Jesus faz a todo cristão, pregar o evangelho a toda criatura, fazendo discípulos de qualquer origem e integrando-os na família de Deus.

Vista aérea de Jacaraipe

Em que cremos?

· Cremos na santíssima trindade: Deus Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo;

· Cremos na divina inspiração das escrituras e de sua veracidade;

· Cremos que Cristo é verdadeiramente Deus que se fez carne e conviveu entre nós;

· Cremos na ação do Espírito Santo de Deus;

· Cremos na ressurreição pessoal de Cristo, em Sua ascensão aos céus; em Sua presença à direita do Pai e como mediador entre Deus e o Ser Humano;

· Cremos que o propósito de Deus é que haja unidade de pensamento quanto às verdade fundamentais do Evangelho;

· Cremos que Jesus morreu pelos nossos pecados, de acordo com a Palavra de Deus.

Templo climatizada com vista parcial da praia

A Missão Surfistas de Cristo no Brasil é uma igreja ou pretende ser uma igreja?

A MSC não é igreja e não pretende ser uma igreja, somos um ministério interdenominacional integrante de igrejas. Este ministério quer conduzir o surfista a participar de uma comunidade cristã que apóie esta ação evangelística ou pregue o evangelho de acordo com as escrituras sagradas.

Onde estamos?

Estamos presentes em quase todos os estados no litoral Brasileiro e em diversos picos espalhados pelo Globo;

Praia de Jacaraipe

Qual o papel da igreja?

Sem ela esta missão não existe, a igreja é plano de Deus, quando falamos de igreja não nos referimos ao templo, mas a cada cristão, pois o Espírito Santo habita em nós. Mas é importante para o ministério que cada voluntário faça parte de uma Igreja evangélica local.

Como posso contribuir para a Missão Surfistas de Cristo no Espírito Santo, no Brasil e no Mundo?

Cada um possui talentos que devem ser usados na obra de Deus. O ministério necessita de voluntários em inúmeras áreas.

Luciano Fiorio
Missão Surfistas de Cristo - Espirito Santo
Núcleo Jardim Camburi
Website: www.surfistasdecristo-es.com.br
E-mail.: surfistasdecristojc@gmail.com
(27) 9919-0007


segunda-feira, 21 de setembro de 2009

Walking On Water Japanese Surfing Missions

Mark 16:15
He said to them, ”Go throughout the whole world and preach the gospel to all people.

Toshiro Oyama has been in Southern California since February 2008 spending his time ministering to Japanese Surfers. One of the ways he does this is by passing out free copies of Noah’s Arc, The Outsiders and Changes.

All of these DVD’s are produced by Walking On Water and include incredible surfing, the gospel message and Japanese subtitles.

He has also had the incredible opportunity to be a surf tour guide for traveling Japanese Surfers. This has enabled him more opportunities to share the love of Jesus with the lost.

He's still planning a mission trip to Japan with the founder and Director of Walking On Water, Bryan Jennings.

He has a plan to premiere his new film Walking On Water in five major cities!

This mission trip is extremely important because less than one 1% of Japan’s population is Christian.

There are many religions in Japan that have come along with current times but most follow Shintõ or Buddhism.

Most Japanese people do not identify as exclusively belonging to just one religion, but incorporate features of both religions into their daily lives in a process known as syncretism. Shinto and Buddhism are even taken to as being interwoven in the country.

According to the real CIA World Fact Book 84% to 96% adhere to Shinto and Buddhism while 4% to 16% of the demographic population adhere to other religions or non-religious, atheist groups.

The majority of Japanese(70-80%) carry on the rolls of one or more religious body, but do not consider themselves believers in any religion.

There are actually more surfers in Japan then there are believers in Jesus! What a time to be a surfing missionary.

This will be his 5th annual trip as a Walking On Water missionary. Each year he has worked alongside Walking On Water’s Director of Missions, Todd Morehead, who has affirmed in him God’s gifting on his life as an evangelist.

Every year God gives him the opportunity to lead Japanese surfers to the Lord! He loves to share with them the love of Jesus, especially since they have most likely never heard the message!

He has moved to Irvine where he has started a home church and meet every Saturday for a service and Bible study which he prepares a lesson and teach.

On Thursdays he meets for a prayer meeting in his apartment. In the Irvine area there are many Japanese in the community giving him more opportunities to share Jesus with his people.

Some exciting news is that he had the opportunity to meet a Japanese surfer while surfing.

Boys accepts Lord Jesus....Praise GOD!!

He then ran into him randomly at a Japanese supermarket where he was able to invite him to his surfing fellowship and then he laters came to the Bible study.

Tosh & Taka

It was at the Bible study where he gave his life to the Lord! He had a Japanese/English Bible, but had never accepted Jesus into his life.

It was a neat experience to share with him Romans 10:9-10 'If you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised him from death, you will be saved. For it is by our faith that we are put right with God; it is by our confession that we are saved.’

His hearts desire is to focus on mission work, but in order to do so he needs support both financially and prayerfully.

If you feel led to give towards his ongoing ministry to Japanese surfers he would be so grateful for your partnership.

Please make checks payable to Walking On Water and send all donations to:

*Please write ‘Toshi’ in the memo. All donations are tax deductible.


Toshiro Oyama
Walking On Water Japanese Surfing Missions
Phone: 949-732-8403
Email: toshi@walkingonwater.com


The Surf Report #44: Americas Conference, Portugal Surfers Church, Japan 10th Anniversary, Son Surf J-Bay Outreach, El Salvador Property

The Surf Report Volume #44
Americas Conference

July 23-27 at Sunzal, El Salvador some 70 leaders from 10 nations attended the first Americas Leadership Conference. Worship, training, reports, strategy and the building of relationships were key. A great 6'-8' swell also turned on Punta Roca. Special thanks to the amazing organization and hospitality by Salvador Castellanos and team.

Portugal Surfers Church

After growing the surfers Bible study and with added motivation from Buck Waters, Zaca Soveral is stoked to be pioneering a 'surfers church' plant in Lisbon. They have great inroads to both the surf media and industry through Zaca's coaching and writing. They will be hosting the chaplain to the Rip Curl Search WCT Men's event as well as offering hospitality there in September.

Japan 10th Anniversary

We celebrate the 10th Japanese CS National Conference on September 19-20. David and Shinko Levey have been so faithful there and it's great to see Mori, Oka and Yuya as their three Japanese regional leaders and part of the national team. With over 1.5 million surfers and less than 0.3% of the population Christian, this is the worlds largest unreached surfing population. Stoked to see the combined CS/Walking on Water mission there again this year.

Son Surf J-Bay Outreach

Son Surf South Africa hosted a dream run in July at the Billabong Pro in J-Bay with great chaplaincy, Walking on Water movie premiere (with Tom Curren showing up to play music) and the Son Surf mission base full of activity and people. Check out a great recap video here.

El Salvador Property

Having grown from one mission to four this past year, and the founding mission outgrowing its premises, the CS El Salvador team felt that it was time to own their own base. A property at El Tunco Beach has been purchased and foundations laid for a base. Mission teams are now being recruited to come build.

Jesus Pro Am - Australia

With some added sponsorship via partnership with the Bible Society, CS Australia's long-standing Jesus Pro Am has grown to a three-contest series. The first in Manly in May, followed by Coffs Harbour in August with Wollongong coming up in November. Great media coverage, excellent local church backing and live streaming have all contributed to an amazing 24th year of running, with even bigger plans already in place for next year. Check out videos and photos here and stay tuned for live-streaming from Wollongong in November.

NZ National Conference

Foz and the crew are stoked to be hosting their 25th National Conference at Raglan, Oct 24-25. Foz is also amped to have moved into his new house just out of town. They have recently secured funding for distributing the Surfers Bible in key surfer accommodation throughout the nation.

US Prep School

Some 15 under-18 East Coasters attended the second CSUS Prep School at Cape Hatteras in August. Designed to train up the emerging hot crop of CS groms in sharing their faith, Dean Plumlee reports that whilst the waves were small, the groms were big on fun and developing their faith. Check out photos, video and more info here.

Costa Rica ISA World Games Hospitality

After 3 years as the Costa Rican Surf Federation team chaplain, Coky has also been invited to join the Board of Directors. With Costa Rica hosting the ISA World Surfing Games in July-August, CS had its biggest opportunity ever. "We had a team of about 20 who provided water, helped with security, served the judges and mixed with the 35 national teams throughout the week of the Games, it was just amazing to connect." Already Surfing NZ have invited CSNZ to help them at next years ISA World Junior Games.

Peru Chaplaincy

After the impact of CS Costa Rica at the ISA World Surfing Games, the team from Tablistas Para Cristo (CS Peru) have approached Surf Federation of Peru to offer chaplaincy to their teams. This is groundbreaking for CS and 'Muelos' and John Chuman are keen to see chaplaincy penetrate all levels of their amateur association.

Changed Life - James Gordon

CS Australia are currently doing a series of reunions of former leaders and members. Last Saturday September 12 we reconnected with James Gordon, now 44 in Adelaide, South Australia. As a surf mad 15-year-old James was surfing his favourite break 'Gulls' when a group of five guys paddled out much to his dismay. He was surprised at how friendly they were and they invited him to a Christian Surfers camp. Having come from a religious school, James assumed himself a Christian, "I never fitted the church scene and it was amazing when I met Christian Surfers, I met people like me. However, I soon realized they had something more than I had, in their love for Jesus and one another and I came to Christ as a result." James became a leader in the mission back in the 80's, got to travel Australia with CS National Conferences and brought others along. Now happily married with two girls, working as a teacher, serving in his church and still surfing, James related his changed life story to all. "Those were some of the best days of my life and the friendships forged have stayed with me today. I am so thankful to God and to CS."


segunda-feira, 14 de setembro de 2009

Projeto Ondas, Surf & Cidadania 2009

Jojó de Olivença, presidente do Projeto Ondas, Surf & Cidadania, esteve na última terça-feira (1/9) na comunidade Vila Julia, Guarujá (SP), com o propósito de convidar crianças da comunidade para participar de sua ONG.

O projeto recebe atualmente 60 crianças, usando surf e cidadania como formação de menores em situação de vulnerabilidade.

A comunidade Vila Julia foi escolhida por ser próxima da base do projeto, situada no complexo esportivo Tejereba. Bicampeão brasileiro de surf, Jojó está à frente da ONG desde 2000.

"Uma semana antes da visita, estive no local para conhecer e saber como vivem as pessoas. Lá está muito difícil e a maior reclamação é que o único espaço público do local está abandonado", revela Jojó.

O espaço citado é uma antiga quadra de escola de samba. "A prefeitura poderia aproveitar o lugar para fazer uma creche, um centro comunitário e cooperativas para gerar renda à população", alerta o presidente que, acompanhado por Marcos Couto, coordenador esportivo do projeto, reuniu famílias na capela São Luís.

Durante a visita, muita conversa e desabafos.

"Temos que trabalhar e deixar as crianças sozinhas em casa. Esta é a realidade que vivemos", conta Vânia Valéria Bandin, cozinheira.

Mas a ONG conseguiu levar um pouco de alegria. "Até que enfim alguém se lembrou da gente e nossas crianças terão uma oportunidade", declara Reinaldo Ribeiro de Jesus, pedreiro.

A visita trouxe resultados rapidamente. Mais de dez crianças da Vila Julia ingressaram no projeto na quarta-feira (2/9).

Eduarda Ferreira, 10, era só felicidade na primeira aula. "Agora eu estaria em casa sozinha, sem fazer nada. Muito melhor estar aqui", garante a menina.

"Não ia à praia há anos. Sempre quis surfar, mas nunca tive chance", completa Eduarda.

Alguns iniciando e outros já são veteranos. Diogo Lopes Rodrigues, 17, está no projeto há quatro anos. Morador da comunidade Vila Baiana, ele garante que sua vida mudou muito nestes últimos anos.

"Tudo melhorou, vivia na rua sem nada para fazer e quase não ia à escola. Hoje me dedico muito mais e os professores elogiam minha mudança de comportamento.

Desenvolvi minha fé, aprendi a surfar e a respeitar as pessoas", revela Diogo.

O Projeto Ondas atende 60 crianças três vezes por semana, com aulas de artesanato sustentável, surf, preservação da natureza, prevenção de afogamento (auxiliando o Corpo de Bombeiros) e valores, abordando até mesmo a vida espiritual.

O projeto segue três diretrizes: educação, cultura e capacitação profissional.

Uma das ferramentas oferecidas é a "Onda Ecológica", que tem um programa de alimentação saudável, como a construção de uma horta orgânica.

"As crianças aprendem artesanato com materiais recicláveis, oficina de reparo de pranchas com reaproveitamento da resina, além de promoverem coleta seletiva e mutirões de limpeza na praia. Estes são apenas alguns exemplos", continua Jojó.

O bicampeão teve a ideia do projeto andando pelas favelas de Guarujá. "Sou obcecado mesmo pelo que faço. Me sinto na obrigação de fazer algo ao me deparar diariamente com tanta vulnerabilidade social", completa Jojó

Atualmente o Projeto Ondas conta com o apoio das marcas Overboard, Wave Giant, Skatena Sports, Delphin Hotel, TV Tribuna e Fama Assessoria.

Para saber mais ou ajudar o Projeto Ondas, Surf & Cidadania acesse

Telefones: (13) 3017-2424 / 8115-7902 / 3797-6000,

com Jojó de Olivença, Lucia Lobato ou Sabrina Araújo.
