He said to them, ”Go throughout the whole world and preach the gospel to all people.
Toshiro Oyama has been in Southern California since February 2008 spending his time ministering to Japanese Surfers. One of the ways he does this is by passing out free copies of Noah’s Arc, The Outsiders and Changes.

He has also had the incredible opportunity to be a surf tour guide for traveling Japanese Surfers. This has enabled him more opportunities to share the love of Jesus with the lost.

There are many religions in Japan that have come along with current times but most follow Shintõ or Buddhism.

Most Japanese people do not identify as exclusively belonging to just one religion, but incorporate features of both religions into their daily lives in a process known as syncretism. Shinto and Buddhism are even taken to as being interwoven in the country.

This will be his 5th annual trip as a Walking On Water missionary. Each year he has worked alongside Walking On Water’s Director of Missions, Todd Morehead, who has affirmed in him God’s gifting on his life as an evangelist.

He has moved to Irvine where he has started a home church and meet every Saturday for a service and Bible study which he prepares a lesson and teach.

Some exciting news is that he had the opportunity to meet a Japanese surfer while surfing.
He then ran into him randomly at a Japanese supermarket where he was able to invite him to his surfing fellowship and then he laters came to the Bible study.
It was at the Bible study where he gave his life to the Lord! He had a Japanese/English Bible, but had never accepted Jesus into his life.
It was a neat experience to share with him Romans 10:9-10 'If you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised him from death, you will be saved. For it is by our faith that we are put right with God; it is by our confession that we are saved.’

If you feel led to give towards his ongoing ministry to Japanese surfers he would be so grateful for your partnership.
Please make checks payable to Walking On Water and send all donations to:
*Please write ‘Toshi’ in the memo. All donations are tax deductible.
Toshiro Oyama
Walking On Water Japanese Surfing Missions
Phone: 949-732-8403
Email: toshi@walkingonwater.com
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