terça-feira, 21 de setembro de 2010

Surf House - Guarujá

Check it out, in this documentary about the Marcos Siqueira, EX-Junkie(MARIJUANA) that, met Jesus, through of the "Surf House" also called (Christian Surfers Base) in Guaruja Town, Brazil.

The "Surf House" it was founded by the Brazilian National Director called Sérgio Busatto and Ruy.

Nowadays, a Lot of Guaruja Surfers, know the "Surf House" at Tombo Beach, in Guaruja Town, and everybody is invited.

More Info:

Rua Antonio Marques, 195 - Praia do Tombo-Guarujá-São Paulo,
Brasil-cep:11420-030 -
Website: http://www.cristosalvaguaruja.com


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